Eternity in Our Hearts: The God of Beauty, the Beauty of God

Sargent - Madame Errazuriz-smallThis message was seven months in the making, and this past Friday I finally delivered it.  So, as promised, I’m posting both the audio and the manuscript here.  You can also find a general outline on my Sermon site, and you can also find it at my Podcast.

Click here for sermon audio

Click for Audio

Click for Manuscript Pdf

Click for FULL Manuscript

This is the message I gave at Epiphany Fellowship. The topic was Beauty. The attached manuscript is the full manuscript. It is 43 pages long and contains far more information than I was able to give in a 40 minute message. It includes an appendix where every form of every word in the Greek and Hebrew translated as “Beauty” or “Beautiful” in the English Standard Version of the Bible is ordered by frequency and includes the literal meanings and lexical range of each word.

I really cannot stress how much more is in the manuscript than was preached.  Every section has huge amounts of thought and prayer in it that was not able to be included in the final message.  That’s why throughout the next week or more, I’ll be blogging about every section of this manuscript.  Each post will focus and discuss the fuller version of each section.  If it gets to be too much I’ll spread it out as need be, but we’ll see.  This is where your thoughts and insights will be so helpful and needed, but if you have a question now, don’t feel like you have to wait for that blog post to come to ask.  Engage with any and everything now.

I hope this blesses all of you as much as it did me.  The feedback that evening was more than I knew how to handle and perhaps I’m still processing it.  Thank you all for your grace and affirmation.  For those that came out, I thank you. I very much enjoyed both preparing and delivering this message, and I look forward to further chances to do so.  If you’re interested in giving me such a chance, feel free to use the contact email on the sidebar to the right (or just click here).

Enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think, and please at least look through some of the manuscript.  Until next time . . .

One small final note: on most every site and post I’ve used to discuss this message I’ve used the attached piece of art.  It is a piece called “Madame Erraruriz” and it is by my favorite American painter John Singer Sargent.  I got to see this painting in an exhibit of his at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and ever since seeing the brushstrokes in this simple painting and seeing the nuances and the subtleties that don’t quite come across from this digital shot, I have long found it to be one of the most beautiful paintings I’ve ever seen.  It is for that reason I have chosen it as the picture that has constantly been up for all these posts.  A few years back I even wrote a poem based on the piece called “Extended Engagement”.  I ended up writing two versions, one less structured than the other to better mirror the feel of the piece, but on this blog you can read both Version 1 and Version 2.  Let me know which you prefer.

12 thoughts on “Eternity in Our Hearts: The God of Beauty, the Beauty of God

  1. Paul,
    Thanks for putting this online. It is extremely encouraging it is to see a fellow Protestant taking beauty seriously. I read a good deal of your transcript and look forward to your posts that will break it down into discussable portions. Your definition (though initially seeming out of left field) is really solid once you explain it. I also like the dichotomy between the pantheistic and deistic errors. My wife and I extensively discussed beauty and art when she was taking an aesthetics class last fall and I think you managed to hit upon all the various threads and complexities that we discovered.


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  3. Pingback: Nature, Science, and the Structure of Time |Beauty{4} « the long way home

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  5. Pingback: Ah, the Beauty{6} of Art « the long way home

  6. Pingback: Review: John Navone’s “Toaward a Theology of Beauty” « the long way home

  7. Pingback: The Infinite Beauty of Beauty – Reform & Revive

  8. Pingback: Beauty: The Complete Series « the long way home

  9. Pingback: Beauty: Revisited « the long way home

  10. Pingback: My first Sunday Morning Sermon. I’d like to share it with you. | the long way home | Prodigal Paul

  11. Pingback: My first Sunday Morning Sermon. I'd like to share it with you. | Worldwide Christian Ministry

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