Women & Church History: The Bad Reformation & the Good News {pt.3}

I put the wrong date on this post. It has been relocated here.Silencing-Women-duct-tape

This is a post in an on-going series on Women in the Church.

The past couple of days, we’ve been talking about the historical development of this whole “Women in Church Leadership” idea. in the first post, we talked about why this is so important, and in the second post, we discussed where this change in ideas concerning ordained female leadership happened. Today, let’s talk Reformation and concluding thoughts.

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2 thoughts on “Women & Church History: The Bad Reformation & the Good News {pt.3}

  1. “Catherine of Alexandria is the patron saint of scholars and philosophers (a woman!), and was killed for having debated 50 pagan philosophers at once and won them all to Christ.”

    Yeah but the christians killed Hypatia for doing, if I recall correctly, nothing but being awesome.

    All in all it seems like there was simply a lot of mob killings back in the day.

    Although, of course, being the proper christians that they were, they desecrated Hypatia’s body after the murder in Hypatia’s case.

    “Ideas about genocide, slavery, racism, and sexism– ideas that the contemporary world finds abhorrent– have been the major parts of the human story for a lot longer than women have been restricted from church leadership”

    Which makes it all the more funny that god didn’t go ahead and settle them in an appropriate manner back when doesn’t it? Funny indeed.

    “no matter how many people held those views and for how long.”

    And no matter who those people that held those views were. Say, oh, I don’t know, pretty much all the Jews in the Old Testament, and the big J man, and all his contemporaries, etc. etc., you know, all the really important people in Christianity. I can’t recall a single parable where the slaves were set free. I certainly cannot recall a single time the big J professed his outright loyalty to his government thereby saving himself from being crucified when suspected of being a seditious leader. But who really cares about why he was killed in the first place? Everyone knows the charges were tots trumped up!


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